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Routers are used to organize your routes into logical groups.

They are defined using the createRouter function from the @bolt-ts/core package.

import { createRouter, router } from '@bolt-ts/core';

const myRouter = createRouter({
myRoute: route('/hello')

At the core, routers are just typed objects.

You can then use the router to attach your routes to a server.

import { BoltServer } from '@bolt-ts/fastify';
import fastify from 'fastify';

const app = fastify();

const server = new BoltServer(myRouter, app);

// Now we can define our route handlers
myRoute: async (req, res) => {
return {
message: `Hello ${}!`

// This will attach all bolt routes to the fastify server

// You can now start the server
port: 3000,